Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday paper

With the rise of the Internet, podcasting on Ipods, Mobitv, blogging, and other 21st century mediums, the common newspaper is being derided as old fashioned and doomed to extinction. Personally, I don't give a damn and I still love my morning Trib, especially on Sunday's. For me, the newspaper is like the egg - its the perfect vehicle for the delivery of the news.

Today's Trib had two excellent articles. One talked about whether or not Obama is ready, and the other was about a special mapping project which illuminates critical demographic facts using cartograms. This one illuminates a sad fact which rarely makes the press today, despite its vital importance to the world's future.

And I haven't even gotten to the sports section yet. Go Bears, a big win would help us forget that other Chicago team!


Logic101 said...

Perfect vehicle for news delivery? Um... no. The printed newspaper is going the way of snail mail -- mostly used by old people who are set in their ways or people without access to a PC.

fishhead said...

Maybe you didn't actually read my post. I did say I didn't give a damn if the paper is doomed, and I did say its perfect "for me". No need to apply judgemental labels to me just because you make different choices than me...and you can come to this old person's funeral and pry the Trib out of my cold dead hands.