It was a heinous barf fest, a comedy of errors, a mucking of the bottom of the swamp of bad college football. 3 INT's, 2 fumbles, and for Christ's sake NU even screwed up the Nevada turnovers. This was so horrifying I am donating my season tickets to Darfur. That might not be relief for the Sudanese, but it'll be a relief for me.
Said Coach Fitzgerald, "Obviously I'm very proud of my players, we came back, battled back in the second half to get the game right there in reach. Obviously the self-inflicted wounds that we had upon ourselves were very difficult to overcome today."
The self-inflicted wounds that we had upon ourselves? We're so dopey that the head coach can't even speak english!
After having my soul stained by this abomination, I plan to refrain from any further blogging on the Wildcats.
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