Hey Pat, its Tom. Lemme give you some advice. Those QB draws? Not so much. 20 per game? Let's trim that back to two or three. And that thing QB's do where they throw the ball in the air? Let's try some of that. What's that you say? Gotta protect the ball? Yea no kidding man, but when you got freshmen QBs that's gonna happen so let's have them air it out some. Now how about that running game? Maybe you could have the O-Line try some blocking and stuff and let's get Tyrell some yards. Stacking the box? Of course they're stacking the box Pat, remember we just talked about throwing the ball? Try to keep up! So these Spartans are not so hot, Pat. A little airball, a little running game, give the defense a little rest on the sidelines, we can beat 'em Pat. What? My head looks like a giant mouse grew out the top? Dammit Pat, stay on message! Block. Run the RBs. Pass the ball. Win the game. And then come out here for a Heineken and a brat...
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Nice hat!
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