Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Saved by the Shon!

Typhoon? Hurricane? Tsunami? Krakatoa? Yes, those were all major catastrophes but what the Fish Head is speaking of in this entry was the event that put the cat-astro in catastrophe.

Yes, an administrative snafu caused me to lose my parking pass for the West Lot at Dyche Stadium! Oh, the horror of it all. No more tailgating in the vast sea of tailgates. No more wacky balloon boy with the hot mom. No more brother gulping Knob Creek while he cooks the breakfast sandwiches before he drinks more Knob Creek and hurls. Yes, the Fish Head was going to be relegated to the proverbial dust heap of tailgating, also known as the Fish Center (no relation).

Worst of all, the snafu was actually caused by the gross negligence of...the Fish Head himself. A catastrophe is a catastrophe but its magnified to an insane disaster when you can't even blame it on some faceless bureaucrat!

And now on to the hero of the story. Yes, the Fish Head was rescued by Shon Morris. Yes, that Shon Morris (NU '88), four-year letterman, holder of countless collegiate scoring records, WGN radio star, ESPN TV anchor, and lastly apparently a smarter guy than most Big Ten athletes as he not only graduated but won all sorts of academic awards!

Despite being a life-long republican, the Fish Head confesses to a secret and somewhat embarrassing affection for Obama. But as of today, the Fish Head says Out with Obama and In with Shon. Should the Fish Head get the future opportunity to sperminate some eggs and spawn some fry, they shall all be named Shon.

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