Monday, September 21, 2009

End of Days....

Must be upon us. Religious wackos look for signs like plagues, pestilence, floods, Satan, that sort of crap.

Me? I look for the more prosaic but definitely more important signs. And all signs point to the Big End.

First, the Wildcats lost to Syracuse. Syracuse? Otto the Orange? What the Hell?

Second, in this losing effort, Mike "Demon Spawn" Kafka set a school record for consecutive completions and threw for 390 yards. What the Hell?

Lastly, Pax Americana and the greatest empire since Byzantium has come to an end with the tire tiff. Yes, that tire tiff where the US has imposed import tariffs on automobile tires produced in China. Whereupon the Chinese threatened retaliatory tariffs on imports of American....chicken feet! Yes, Chicken Feet. You know, those things upon which chickens walk? Apparently this is the ONLY DAMN THING this country produces of value. Chicken Feet. What the Hell?

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